Pastor Dorcas Lehman, Interim Lead Pastor
Dorcas became Interim Lead Pastor in February 2024. She loves the vibrancy of this church in the city’s Chestnut Hill neighborhood. Members are keeping their week-to-week congregational life flowing, while also exploring in this transitional time: Who are we now? Who are we called to be? Dorcas’ training in seminary, social work, and education led to various ministries, including high school campus pastor and three interim pastorates in recent years. She is married to Glenn Lehman. They love grandparenting four young children. You may see her at Central Market, walking in city or township parks, or visiting family in the western Maryland mountains.

Pastor Carmen Horst Okanya, Associate Pastor
Carmen came on board in June 2011 and currently oversees the Pastoral Care Ministries, Adult Nurture Ministry, and Children’s Nurture Ministry, as well as sharing in the preaching ministry. James Street MC is her first official pastor role. She loves almost everything she does here and loves the people! Her favorite question from people is: Can you send me suggestions of counselors so that I can take care of my mental health? Carmen is married to Dr. Nelson Okanya. Together they parent Barak and Izak.

Jenny Gehman, Transitional Worship Coordinator
Jenny joined JSMC staff in October 2024 on a part time basis to help bridge the gap in a time of transition. As a spiritual director, Jenny enjoys the opportunity to cultivate an atmosphere in which people can experience the healing presence of God. Other things Jenny enjoys include tea, hammocks, trees, chocolate, and being in nature with her husband, Dan.

Mary Lapp, Administrator
Mary joined the JSMC team in March of 2023! She keeps the books, the calendar and watches over many little details of daily church life. She is originally from Nantucket, MA and moved to Lancaster in 2007. When Mary is not at work, she loves to cook, read, and hike with her husband Ernie.

Eloise Glick, Administrative Assistant
Eloise joined our team on a part-time basis in January of 2020. Her warm smile welcomes people who come into the office. She enjoys meeting people and has discovered many connections with people she’s known in the past or from other areas. She produces the Power Points for our worship services and makes sure communication happens between our Tech Ministry Team and all those participating in the service.

Tim Johnsen Martin, Director of Maintenance
Tim has been the Director of Maintenance since 2018. He is responsible for all aspects of the facility, including maintenance, contracts, security, upgrades, etc. We are grateful for his desire to be proactive in caring for the building we have been blessed with.

Karen Hartz, Custodian
Karen has been the JSMC custodian since 2014. She is responsible for the weekly cleaning of our facility, as well as larger tasks such as cleaning windows, preparing classrooms at the beginning of the year, helping with fellowship hall set up, and numerous other tasks she is asked to do by office staff. We appreciate her willing spirit to jump in when needed.

Church Leadership

Photos by Samantha Moger and Darrel Mast